Tech Center Entrepreneur in Residence (E.I.R) pilot program at NASA Langley Research Center

The Orb of Awesomeness
June 22, 2017
Tech Center partners with NASA on Entrepreneur Program
August 11, 2017

Tech Center partners with the State of Virginia office of the Secretary of Technology and GoVirginia to develop and pilot an Entrepreneur-In-Residence program at NASA Langley Research Center.  The year-long project looks to shepherd a small group of NASA Langley autonomy-related technologies and technologist through a structured process to determine go/no go commercial viability, the best path to commercialization, and initiate licensing and commercialization of vetted innovations.  Based on the experiences gained through the pilot phases, document “best practices” for each and produce a replicable commercialization process that is scalable and applicable to both federal lab and University environments.