INNOVATION WORKSHOP POWERED BY Stale Chips & Virginia Tech Newport News Center

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Date(s) - 06/09/2023
9:00 am - 3:30 pm

Virginia Tech Newport News Center


This is the center bite of the cinnamon roll. All the best tools a facilitator needs to help solve any problem. How do we pick the tools?

After running hundreds of workshops, we’ve tried and failed enough times for everyone. These are the best of the bunch. Flexible, repeatable, and with consistently powerful outcomes. A shortcut to learning, this one day session will provide participants with a condensed stack of tools hand-picked for the highest chance of successful workshops.

How To Facilitate Anything – 3 Day Workshop

The road to expert level practitioner is paved by doing. In this interactive workshop series, participants will:
* Learn effective innovation tools
* Deep-dive on how to facilitate
* Lead a workshop

Become a facilitator and get your team faster, further!
Registration Closes Sept 10

When: Sept 19 – 21
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Where: 700 Tech Center Parkway, Suite 305 Newport News, VA 23606